Business Review Recap
As the semester progresses, I would like to update you on Catalyst, our Libraries’ strategic plan. Catalyst is a yearly approach to strategic planning, with three long-term goals and actionable yearly initiatives to drive real change. This year, workgroups are dedicated to three strategic initiatives - professional development, virtual spaces and services, and meaningful partnerships. More information can be found on
this overview document.
On April 15, we held this year’s second business review. During this meeting, staff met to share progress, provide important updates, and look ahead to next year. I’d like to provide you with an overview of what was shared during this time together.
Initiatives Progress:
Business reviews are used as an opportunity to reflect on Libraries’ mission, vision, and values to ensure we have a strong foundation for the work we have set forth to accomplish. Additionally, we review the progress of initiatives to ensure they are meeting the needs of our goals. An overview of these components can be found on the Libraries’ Strategic Plan webpage.
During last week’s business review, each initiative workgroup updated the community on its progress. Each workgroup is progressing according to the objectives and steps outlined in action plans that were created in January. While each initiative is unique, the updates provided us with some common takeaways.
Top Takeaways:
- The work we are doing in the Libraries takes place with the larger context of our university in mind. We are supporting MiamiRISE and recommendations from the President’s DEI Taskforce. Slide 6 of the business review demonstrates this alignment. Additionally, the initiatives provide an opportunity to partner with departments and organizations around campus.
- There is excitement about the workgroup updates - all three groups are in the development phase of their action plans and outcomes are being realized.
- Planning for next year is underway. There is a lot of energy around the possibilities this can hold!
This year’s iteration of Catalyst will be implemented through June 2022. Initiative workgroups meet regularly to implement their action plans, maintaining a monthly dashboard to demonstrate progress. Activities will wrap up in May. June will be used as a time of reflection, transition, and reporting. Catalyst AY21-22 will conclude with a year-end celebration on June 17.
Next year’s iteration of Catalyst will begin August 2022. The Libraries are excited to pursue high-impact, future-thinking initiatives that support the university in achieving transformational change.
Many Thanks:
Implementation of the strategic plan is a collective effort. I would like to thank all individuals who are involved this year:
- Professional Development Laura Birkenhauer, Cara Calabrese, Alea Henle, Lissa Martin, Lindsay Miller, Gabe Neff, Shawn Vanness, and Barry Zaslow
- Virtual Spaces and Services Kristen Adams, Stan Brown, Mark Dahlquist, Ken Irwin, Megan Jaskowiak, Meng Qu, Andy Revelle, Elias Tzoc, Alia Levar Wegner, Rob Withers, and Jerry Yarnetsky
- Meaningful Partnerships Lori Chapin, Katie Gibson, Jacky Johnson, Kevin Messner, Bill Modrow, Abi Morgan, Carla Myers, Senta Sellers, and John Williams
For additional information, visit the Libraries’ strategic plan website. Slides from the April 15 business review can be found here.